Jeff Dieschburg is obviously an art fraud (compilation of his plagiarism)

Some artist
2 min readDec 8, 2022


So there’s this case right now about some painter having plagiarized a photograph nearly 1:1, I trust you for not discussing the fact of this assertion because of how obvious it is:

I’m also not that much interested in arguing on why this kind of practice should be avoided by artists (except maybe for personal training and by citing the original author, but especially NOT FOR SELLING AT 6500 EUROS). Also not interested in discussing where’s the limit and what side “non-artist people” should go with (obviously the original artist’s side), there are many articles out there and tweets under the one above, commenting on all of this.

I just saw that it’s not the only case of plagiarism from the guy, and thought it would be good practice to make a compilation of his frauds, to sort of help call him out. Maybe it’ll help for the current case too, which is for now NOT GOING IN THE GOOD DIRECTION.

So here’s the compilation:

(plagiarized from Zhang Jingna @zemotion)
(plagiarized from Bekka Björke @bekka)
(plagiarized from Bekka Björke @bekka)
(plagiarized from unknown person, pic is not hosted anymore)
(plagiarized from Doreen Kilfeather @dkilfeather noticed by kihm)

There might be more, I’ll update if I find more. I’m sure if you just reverse image search any of his paintings, you’ll find matches (Google Image, Yandex, TinEye, and some other website allow you to do that).

Well, while writing this I noted that the guy is a student, pretty unknown and deleted his socials showing his plagiarism, so let’s take that in account. But ridiculous thing is he apparently hired a lawyer and is not planning to just “back up”.

Now the really problematic thing is that the Luxemburg court deemed the case as “not one of plagiarism”.

